Sunday, February 15, 2015

Natural Phenomenon

Nature is really amazing. With all the technologies growing and expanding a lot of people are more interested in technologies than nature. But what they don't know is that there are things such as natural phenomena which is an observable event which is not man-made and happens naturally. Sunset and sunrise are examples of natural phenomena. You might think but that's really normal and usual and we see them everyday. Well folks today I am going to talk about a rare natural phenomenon. Which is this..

   What do you think when you first see those pictures? Those might look like jellyfish or jewels but those are actually frozen methane bubbles. Despite the pretty sight, methane is a flammable gas so if one of these bubbles popped you wouldn't want to be close to one and you certainly shouldn't light a fire here. Also methane is a highly toxic gas. But if you're still curious then this is what happens when a bubble pops and you ignite a fire

So how did this happen?
The methane bubbles are formed when dead organic matter such as animals and plants sink into the bottom of the water and invite a bunch of bacteria. The bacteria then eats the matter and lets out methane gas which turns into these bubbles because of the frozen water. 
If you're really curious and you're thinking of going to see it you can go visit the lakes in Canada such as Minnewanka and Vermillion Lake in Banff National Park.
Another interesing thing is that some bubbles form below other bubbles which then creates some kind of sequence of frozen bubbles and it's really bizarre yet beautiful. 
Can you walk over those bubbles? Well I wouldn't say walk

But you can skate! Just remember to be careful of the methane gas if one of the bubbles pop!

Saturday, February 7, 2015


Today in English class we had to make some kind of advertisement on a piece of white paper. What's an advertisement? An advertisement is some kind of public announcement to get people's attention. We had to bring our own piece of paper and also coloring utensils. What I did was well I drew and wrote and voila! I made an advertisement.

"Looking for a space where you can do business and multiply your money? Well you should rent a space! We provide great strategic places for you to do business with affordable prices. You will not regret it!"

Soooo as you can see in the picture my advertisement is about renting a space where you can sell stuff such as food. The fee is Rp 200K - 300K a month. And if you're interested then you can contact John at the number given in the advertisement. Who's John? Well John is someone I made up and this advertisement is not real just so you know. And I also made up the number so if you happen to call it and someone answers it then I have nothing to do with it.
Thank you for reading!